It has taken quite a bit of work to get the new shop set up and operational. The showroom is now painted with bikes on display. The other shop had almost twice the showroom area so we are going to keep a little less P@A and only 4 or 5 bikes on display.
The manufacturing area has a nice flow with lots of lighting. I didn’t realize how well things were compressed into the other shop. The bike storage was a bit of an issue until the bike lifts were rigged up.
I have been able to build a number of frames in the past couple of weeks. I think it took almost twice as long to make each frame. I am still getting used to the placement of the tools. Pictures are of Chris Gibson’s Columbus Spirit road frame and Lawrence’s Rohloff specific touring frame.
Scott’s frame had to have the down tube replaced thanks to Air Canada. Good as new!
Looks great all!
Must come visit!